So, here I go. I ask only that should anyone read this, please do not take anything I say too seriously. I am painfully aware of the way words limit and reduce the truth to an abstraction, and I also like to blatantly make stuff up and am often sarcastic. A good amount of fiction may find it’s way in here as a result, and in a way, it’s all a fiction once it’s put into words.
The first task in this approach to platform building is to define yourself. I once met a girl at a party who asked me to do this, and as a guy who’d recently graduated from the University of Chicago and had started defining himself as an artist, I treated this question with eye-rolling disdain. I didn’t actually roll my eyes, but I did laugh and immediately cut the legs out from under the question in typical U of C fashion. It went something like this: If I start offering definitions, then you’ll start to get ideas in your head that will put me in a box, and those ideas won’t necessarily have anything to do with who I really am or what I’m likely to say or do. I’d rather we forge ahead without too many preconceived notions. Let’s start smaller, or better yet, let’s just get really drunk.
I later made fun of her (behind her back, of course) for asking this absurd question. Obviously she’d touched a nerve, and in a way, I still feel there is something potentially pernicious about defining myself, but only if I take the definition too seriously or expect that anyone else will. I think, in the end, I’ve long been afraid of making claims that I’ll have to live up to, feeling that if I don’t live up to them, I’ll find myself scorned, spurned, detested, abandoned, mocked, and alone. In a word, I’ll find myself alone.
I found this platform building exercise on Robert Lee Brewer’s blog, My Name is Not Bob, and he went about defining himself by writing a list. I hate lists, unless they are totally tongue and cheek, but I’m going to start off following his format anyway and see where this takes me.
Name (as used in byline): David
Position: Self-employed fiction writer
(indeed, another way to say unemployed), blogger (occasionally), editor (of
work done by my writing acquaintances), occasional guest teacher, occasional
guest lecturer
Skills: Fiction writing, poetry
writing, meditation, yoga, self-inquiry
Social media platforms: Facebook,
LinkedIn, and Blogger (others to follow)
Writing: Published in numerous literary
magazines including: Mississippi Review,
TriQuarterly, Eleven Eleven, Inkwell, Main Street Rag, P-Queue, and Backwards City
Review. Selected for inclusion in New Stories from the Midwest 2011
(Indiana University Press). Runner up in
the 2006 Whiskey Island Fiction
Master of Arts in the Humanities from the University of Chicago (2006). French Language Diploma for Level Superior I at
the Sorbonne (2001-2002). Bachelor of
Arts in Economics (with honors) from the University of Chicago (1999). Completed the requirements for graduation in
Law, Letters & Society at the University of Chicago though the school did
not recognize double majors at the time (1999).
Dean’s list of distinguished students each academic quarter at the
University of Chicago.
Captain of the University of Chicago men’s soccer team (1998). Team MVP and Offensive Player of the Year (1998). Two-time UAA All-Conference Selection (1998,
1997). Division III National
Semi-Finalist (1996)
Interests: Writing, reading,
meditation, yoga, family & friends, English Premier League soccer, movies,
Who am I?: I am neither my body nor my mind though most
of the time I fall into the trap of thinking I am one or the other. On a conventional level, I am a writer and a
husband who is soon to be a father. I
own pets and plants. I am a person who yearns for a
sense of deeper connection and am finding it as I learn to let go of my
fear. Turns out the connection was there all along.
There. I did it, and I did it with minimal amounts
of sarcasm. The above is in no way
comprehensive, of course. That would be impossible;
all I mean to say is that I consciously left some stuff out. I did it though. Now onto my writing work.
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