Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Writer Friends, Parent Writers, Friend Parents!

The Buy Buy Baby on Kingsbury in Chicago is finally open!  I know you're overjoyed.  I know you're flipping your basic wigs!  I know you can't believe you've finally got the opportunity to enter this veritable warehouse of baby buying bonanza, this consumerist temple of all things for humans of the tiniest stripe.

Baby Bjorns, Ergos, hundreds of strollers, thousands of car seats, millions of cribs, wipes of every degree of biodegradability.

For a week now I've been wanting to let you know that this place is open and waiting for you to shop from floor to vaulted ceiling but I haven't been able to.  I haven't hardly done any writing at all, and why?

Gwendolyn Eleni Bernice Driscoll
This very small person is my daughter.  She's two weeks old tomorrow.  Isn't she cute?  For my wife and I, she is perfect, and her perfection makes it very hard for me to go in my office and close the door.  It's fine.  It's all as it should be, in fact, but still there is that feeling I've work to do.  I mean, who after all will entertain the millions of readers who rely on this blog to brighten up their day, to gain a little literary insight into the mysteries of the human heart?

I know it's not that.  I know really it's about my own quest, my own karma, my own strange need to sit down and sink into the penman's trance.  So deep is this in me that I'm sure I won't be gone for long.  Integrating and balancing this new aspect of family life is the new challenge, and I expect the complexity will offer new opportunities for growth in all aspects of my life (once things settle down, that is).

Here's to you, Gwendolyn!  Everything to you now, my dear!


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